Friday, October 26, 2012

Another Chance!

I know the last time you saw a post, I said that I would blog once a month...that didn't happen.  A number of things have transpired since I posted that. To only skim the surface...the end of the school year happened, I had to get ready for summer school, then back at it for the regular school year in September.  If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm a teacher. Anyone who knows anything about teaching, knows that the beginning and end of a school year is busy busy busy.  These are not excuses or complaints but merely facts of "my" life.  I love my job and wouldn't trade it!  I'm not perfect and don't know everything but I do know I love it!

So, where does that leave blogging you ask?  Well, I kind of lost my zeal for blogging after a few post.  :-( Sad but true! I put it down.  Thank you God for another chance!  I think I may have found my zeal again!

 It's a new school year and I feel that I am starting feel my zeal come back.  I find myself thinking about topics that I want to cover, things I want to say, and pictures I want to upload. Will it be perfect? No. Will I make mistakes? Yes Will this be a journey? Yes.  Hopefully you will get to share in some of these experiences with me. :-) 

Have you ever lost your zeal for something or someone you thought you loved and were excited about?(I know I'm not alone).

Be Blessed!(I plan to blog again in the near future) 

Simply Natural