This has got to be the worse winter(cold weather) as related to my hair. I feel so frustrated. I'm in a bit of a slump. I don't remember my hair being as dry last year. ughhh!!! Because I don't remember it being this dry last year, I had to evaluate what I did differently. Hmmm? Well, I now know why. I have been horrible at caring for my hair since taking my microbraids out this summer. :-/ This slump has caught up with me!
When you know better you do better, right? Well, I plan to start before the new year. I have spent the last couple days researching natural hair regimens and products. I've got to get my hair life together. And that's what I plan to do. :-) I will update you on that venture when I figure out what I want to do. In the meantime, I found this video from one of my favorite YouTubers, BlakIzBeautyful,. I think I will be more consistent using these products this way. Building a regimen is all about trial and error, right?
Since I'm off work until January for Christmas and Winter Break, I thought I would follow up my Christmas song blog with one dedicated to Movies. *insert Smile & Happy Dance here* So, consider this part 2 of that one. :-) Enjoy! This time of year makes me happy.
1. A Charlie Brown Christmas
This movie does a really good job of telling the true meaning of Christmas. Linus is a perfect example of "don't judge a book by it's cover". So, many lessons packed into 25 minutes.
2. This Christmas
This is a cute movie! Not to mention Columbus Short, Mekhi Phifer and Idris Elba are in there. lol Even though Chris Brown didn't make the list of songs, his "This Christmas" and "Try a little tenderness" are two of my favorites in this movie.
3. Home Alone
Nothing more to say...It's just a classic!
4. The Preacher' Wife
I love the music in this movie. I can remember pretending to be Whitney Houston and singing " I believe in you and me" and "Who would imagine a King". I loved those song!
5. Most movies on these 2 channels.
Every Christmas season I find myself watching movies on these channels. They start in November on one channel(can't remember which?). Even if I've seen them before, I always watch. :-)
What movie do you like to watch during the Christmas Season?
Aside from believing the true meaning of Christmas has nothing to do with a Santa, presents, and Christmas trees but everything about baby Jesus who was born in Bethlehem There is something about this time of year that I absolutely love...Christmas music. One of my most memorable Christmas moments include putting up the Christmas decorations while listening to the Temptations harmonize "Silent Night". *Smile*
Here are a few of my favs that get me in the Christmas spirit or simply just make me smile. :-)
1. Silent Night by the Tempations
Who doesn't love this song at Christmas? It definitely gives you that warm feeling inside. This has to be one of my favs. :-) When I hear this song being played, I know it's Christmas.
2. Silver Bells by A Few Good Men
Shout out to the 90's. :-) This song definitely makes me smile. I love the part when they give us that "a merry merry merry merry Christmas..." lol I just LOVE this song!
3. Give Love on Christmas Day by The Jackson 5
I love the message in this song. It's so simple yet packed with a powerful message of love that should be practiced year round. Not just 1 day a year. Two if you want to include Valentine's Day.
4. Every Year, Every Christmas by Luther Vandross
As long as you're in a good head space, this is a great song. Either way Luther has a way of reeling you in with his soulful voice. I can remember hearing this every Christmas on the local radio station. Not at all since living here but there is always YouTube and Pandora.
5. Let it Snow by Boyz II Men
I love this song. This song always makes me feel like I should be sitting in front of a warm fire with that special person(whoever that is) while looking at the snow fall and sipping hot chocolate.
I have so many songs that are my favorite but it would take forever to put them up. These are only a few. Enjoy whatever Christmas song you listen to in this Season or all year round! Remember Jesus is the Reason...
I know the last time you saw a post, I said that I would blog once a month...that didn't happen. A number of things have transpired since I posted that. To only skim the surface...the end of the school year happened, I had to get ready for summer school, then back at it for the regular school year in September. If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm a teacher. Anyone who knows anything about teaching, knows that the beginning and end of a school year is busy busy busy. These are not excuses or complaints but merely facts of "my" life. I love my job and wouldn't trade it! I'm not perfect and don't know everything but I do know I love it!
So, where does that leave blogging you ask? Well, I kind of lost my zeal for blogging after a few post. :-( Sad but true! I put it down. Thank you God for another chance! I think I may have found my zeal again!
It's a new school year and I feel that I am starting feel my zeal come back. I find myself thinking about topics that I want to cover, things I want to say, and pictures I want to upload. Will it be perfect? No. Will I make mistakes? Yes Will this be a journey? Yes. Hopefully you will get to share in some of these experiences with me. :-)
Have you ever lost your zeal for something or someone you thought you loved and were excited about?(I know I'm not alone).
Be Blessed!(I plan to blog again in the near future)
Hello Blog World!!! I know it's been a long time since I've created a blog post...I have no reason other has been happening and I put the blog down for a moment. To my one consistent reader(that I know of-lol)...Thanks for not giving up on me. :-)
While on this slight break, I realized that having a Full-Time Career and Blogging take some juggling and time. Therefore, I have decided that I am going to "try" and commit to creating "1" blog a month. Any blog post that are posted after the "1" will be extra. :-) I really enjoyed writing my past blogs so I know it's something that I enjoy. Just bare with me!
Easter has to be one of my favorite holidays for many reasons. The children with their Easter dresses and suits, candy half off(the day after), Sunrise church service, etc. The list goes on and on. Most importantly it is because I understand the magnitude of what Jesus did for me. I believe with all my heart and am thankful that He came, He died for my sins, and He rose on the 3rd day. The best decision of my life. :-)
Well, I just wanted to pop in to say HAPPY EASTER/ RESURRECTION DAY!!! I hope your day was as wonderful as mine! :-)
Be Blessed,
What did you do today to celebrate Easter/Resurrection Day?
I think every natural goes through a period of time where they get tired of the process of being natural. Let's face it! If you are on a "Healthy Hair Journey", it takes work to keep it maintained. Don't get me wrong, it's worth it and I wouldn't change it for a perm. However, that doesn't take away from the fact that it takes work.
Sometimes, we just need to take a break from reality to evaluate, rejuvenate ourselves and reflect on where we are and where we could possibly be. Really, that can be related to life period. From experiences, I know life can be a journey in itself. But I digress...
Back to my point...We've all been in a place where we need some type of hair encouragement/Inspiration. Here are a few beautiful pictures of natural women to INSPIRE and ENCOURAGE you on your journey! I hope you enjoy! I sure did!
This was suppose to be up Saturday but... :-) I have to get used to this blog thing.
One day last week while looking up Carol’s Daughter products
, I ran across a blog
post advertising a Carol’s Daughter Macy’s event in St. Louis called
"Celebrate the Color of Beauty".I
haven’t been able to get it off my mind all week.So, it’s Saturday(it would've been) and here are my thoughts…
When I thought of “Celebrating the Color of Beauty”, I
didn’t think of makeup, clothing, or even how much melanin a person has in
their skin. I thought of it as more of a personal thing. I thought about celebrating
the person that “YOU” are.
Beauty is undoubtedly something
that is subjective. According to an
online dictionary,
Beauty is defined as being “the quality
present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether
arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a
meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high
spiritual qualities are manifest)”.
All these things forced me to analyze the person that I am,
question whether I truly celebrate “MY” color of beauty and pin point ways I
do. What was the verdict?
I found that I celebrate some areas more or than
others.The great thing about finding
this out…It’s never too late to do better. JMaya Angelou said it best “When you know
better you do better”.I choose to do
better! Don’t You?
So, how can “WE” Celebrate
“OUR” Color of beauty?
Here are just a few ways…
1. Appreciate the whole person that you
are: Instead of looking at the things that you do well or that you feel are
the “better” parts of you, Embrace all of who you are. I think as people, it’s
so easy to dwell on the good and push the things we deem as undesirable to the
back. God can use the good and undesirable. From the hair that just won’t stay
in place, the blemish that won’t seem to go away, the part of “you” that you
think others wouldn’t care about…Appreciate every piece!
2.Believe: Everyone has something to
offer.It’s your job to figure out what
that something is.Don’t compare your qualities to those of
others! Believe in yourself!If you don’t then who will.For
me, my relationship with God has been the foundation for it all. God doesn’t
make junk! We are all different and we each
have something wonderful to offer the world. It all starts with you…
3.Speak positive Affirmations:Words are powerful!Fake it ‘til you make it!Say it ‘til you see!These are all sayings that many of us have
heard before. And to be honest, there is truth to them all.You have to speak those positive things until
you start to see them manifest into your life. One of my favorite scriptures is
1 Psalms 139: 14 which says, “I praise you because I am fearfully and
wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well”.Keep saying it until you start believing it! 4.Celebrate
Yourself: Treat yourself the way you want others to treat you. Take time to celebrate the accomplishments
that you have acquired.Take a solo trip
to do something you have always wanted to do, buy yourself chocolate or
flowers.Whatever you do…Celebrate you!
the color of your beauty can look different for different people.The important thing to to do it.So, start today and CELEBRATE THE COLOR OF “YOUR”
How do “YOU”
celebrate the color of “YOUR” beauty?
Welcome to my first blog post! YAY! This blog will be dedicated to natural hair, life and anything I feel is beautiful. My profession is not natural hair, life, or beauty. I just know what works for me, what I like and what I think. Who knows...I may end up helping someone. :-) I am new to the blog world and I plan to slowly walk into it. We will see where this journey takes me. :-) I hope you enjoy all I have to offer!
I transitioned and slowly trimmed for 7 months. I
transitioned with micro braids (which I loved) and flat ironing.
How long have you been natural?
I have been fully natural since August 2009. However, I have
only been on a healthy hair natural journey since July 2010. This is about the
time that I decided to research natural hair and stop getting my hair flat
ironed and braided so much. I also discovered natural hair videos on Youtube
while googling natural hair care. :-) Needless to changed my life and
my hair forever!
Style I wear?
When my hair was shorter all I really did was twist outs, Bantu
knot outs, and loads of puffs. As my hair has grown a little, I wear more
protective styles, Low manipulation styles, and twist outs.
Do you use heat?
Yes. :-) I'm not against heat. I blow my hair out on wash
day. Keeping my hair stretched out lowers the number of single strand knots I
have. In 2010 and 2011, I flat ironed twice, and plan to only flat iron
once or twice in 2012.