Saturday, March 17, 2012


Welcome to my first blog post! YAY!  This blog will be dedicated to natural hair, life and anything I feel is beautiful.  My profession is not natural hair, life, or beauty. I just know what works for me, what I like and what I think.  Who knows...I may end up helping someone. :-) I am new to the blog world and I plan to slowly walk into it. We will see where this journey takes me. :-)  I hope you enjoy all I have to offer!

A tad bit about my natural journey...

When was your last perm/relaxer?
     I had my last perm November 2008.

How long did you transition?
     I transitioned and slowly trimmed for 7 months. I transitioned with micro braids (which I loved) and flat ironing.

How long have you been natural?
     I have been fully natural since August 2009. However, I have only been on a healthy hair natural journey since July 2010. This is about the time that I decided to research natural hair and stop getting my hair flat ironed and braided so much. I also discovered natural hair videos on Youtube while googling natural hair care. :-) Needless to changed my life and my hair forever!

Style I wear?
     When my hair was shorter all I really did was twist outs, Bantu knot outs, and loads of puffs. As my hair has grown a little, I wear more protective styles, Low manipulation styles, and twist outs.

Do you use heat?
     Yes. :-) I'm not against heat. I blow my hair out on wash day. Keeping my hair stretched out lowers the number of single strand knots I have. In 2010 and 2011, I flat ironed twice, and plan to only flat iron once or twice in 2012.

Be blessed!
Simply Natural

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